Concert / Sybarite5
Sunday, March 10 / 3PM
Stiller Auditorium
Sybarite5 bridges genres to bring unexpected musical combinations together creating unique concert experiences. Sybarite5 brings this concept full circle, performing music with roots in classical, rock, jazz, hiphop, Armenian folk, and the avant-garde. Their performances feature works by John Coltrane, Radiohead, Xavier Foley, Komitas, The Punch Brothers, Pedro Giraudo, Marc Mellits, Jessica Meyer, Kenji Bunch, Shawn Conley, Aleksandra Vrebalov, and more.
Space is limited; online registration required. Walk-ins welcome if tickets remain on the day of the program.
Cost: $35 (includes Museum Admission) / Members $15
All concerts and performances were made possible by the generosity of Lois Ebin, in memory of Thomas Pepper.